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Describe 3 factors that can be altered during fluoroscopy image acquisition that can improve the CNR.

Increasing CNR can be done by:

  1. Just increasing mAs with the same kVp – increases the number of photons in total which will reduce quantum mottle and hence noise as both mA and s (time) are linearly related to the number of photons. (if we increase the dose by N times, then the noise decreases by square root N times)
  2. Pixel binning dels together during x-ray to have more photons per del and hence reduce noise. Combing 2×2 pixels to one will increase photon number by 4x to the del and hence will improve CNR by 2x (however resolution will reduce).
  3. LOWERING the kVp (tube potential) whilst also increasing mAs to compensate- to have the same number of incident photons total will increase contrast as there is more photoelectric effect and less Compton scatter

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