Why choose us ?

The courses are taught by radiologists and accredited radiology trainees to help you pass the Radiology Anatomy and Physics exams. 

Once registered for the lecture courses, you will also receive online access to the Practice Questions and Answers to study before and after the courses.

Increase your productivity 

Don't waste hours studying anatomy and physics books with nothing sinking in! These courses will provide you with concise learning material so you study the right things in the shortest amount possible you can maximise your marks. 

Feedback and example answers given

Feedback and example answers will be given to you during the courses so you don't make the same mistakes in the actual exam.


Don't take our word for it - here is what our past attendees said:

 I attended both the Physics and Anatomy courses which were extremely useful as they taught us about topics commonly asked in the exams as well as providing additional tips on how to answers the questions. In my actual exam, all of the questions asked were taught in the courses and/or available on their extensive online Practice Questions and Answers. Thank you Informed Medics for helping me pass on my first sitting!! 

Dr Mark Zuriek,

Accredited Radiology Trainee, WA

The anatomy notes are comprehensive and also precise enough for the Radiology Part 1 exams. I did not do very well in the anatomy exams on my first attempt, however after using the notes and attending the online lecture I achieved a much better score in my second attempt. The notes and the lecture provided me with lots of relevant information regarding the exam. I found the labelling quizzes particularly helpful in my preparation.

Dr Kin Sing Lau

Accredited Radiology Trainee, NSW

The Physics content is a fantastic resource! Each modality is presented in an approachable and clear format which is easy to understand. This makes learning the content much easier and gives you a good foundation to allow you to best prepare for the Part 1 Exams

Dr Riley Pulford

Accredited Radiology Trainee, WA

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