
$385 AUD for only ONE of the Mock Exams (Physics OR Anatomy)


$616 AUD for BOTH Anatomy & Physics Mock Exams for those who have not attended prior Informed Medics course(s).

For those sitting the exams separately (ie. one exam in Sitting 1 & one exam in Sitting 2), you can purchase the discounted combination registration. Please email us to organise special access to the sit one Mock Exam later in the year.


$517 AUD for BOTH Mock Exams who have attended previous or registered for future Physics or Anatomy Course(s) Packages


From 2024, winner of the RANZCR Part 1 Clinical Radiology CE Eddy prize will have their Mock Exam fee refunded! 

How does it work?


  1. Register for the Mock Exam Online 

A confirmation email and tax receipt will be emailed to you after payment. 


2. Study 

Recommended textbooks include Hollingshead’s, Gray’s and Last’s Anatomy

Curriculum: RANZCR Part 1 Anatomy and AIT Syllabus


3. Attend the Mock Exam 2-day Anatomy & Physics


The course will be held over Zoom Webinar and a timed online mock exam website. The Zoom link will be emailed to you 1 week before the Mock Exam. The Mock Exam website will be provided after the introduction on the day. Please note, our online mock exam platform is different to the RANZCR Part 1 exams. You will need a quiet space with fast and reliable internet. The system is easy to set up. Please test Zoom on your system prior to the session here


4. Access to the Recorded Answers for the Anatomy and Physics Mock Exam

Will be uploaded within 2-3 days following the Online Mock Exam with access until your real Part 1 exams

Feedback from radiology registrars who attended the Mock Exam held 24-25th Feb 2024

How did you find the answers provided after the Anatomy Mock Exam? 
  • Fantastic. It is always difficult understanding what level of detail is required for exam SAQs – these sessions are so useful to understand how much information to enter. The image stacks were invaluable combined with the explanations. Thank you – it really helps to correlate what we are learning with what we actually see in imaging. While labelled images are inherently useful, having someone run through the anatomy with a scrollable stack makes it engaging and relevant.


  • Really well done! Adequate amount of depth to explain why answers were correct or incorrect, and targeted demonstrations of the relevant anatomy on cross-sectional imaging was helpful


  • Going through answers and ramify on relevant topics – not only telling us the answers but why it is the answer and why the others are wrong etc. Some clinical correlation is good. Also highlighting what is likely/frequently come up in exam.

What part of the Physics Mock Exam did you find most useful? 

  • Going through explanations and clear summaries (in radiologist style not medical physicist which was easier to understand as applied to general practice)


  • The process of doing a full mock –> e.g. timing, getting used to typing out questions in an efficient and clear manner for examiner


  • Both MCQ and CRQ. Understanding the wording that can be used in MCQ was incredibly useful (and knowing potential tricks).





ONE Mock Exam:

Anatomy OR



    • *ONE Mock exam (Anatomy OR Physics) Please email us which exam you would like to attend after placing your order online
    • 3 hour exam Anatomy on Saturday followed by review of the answers OR 3 hour exam Physics on Sunday followed by review of the answers
    • Presented by radiologist / radiology registrar(s)
    • Certificate of Completion after the Mock Exam 
    • Only for Australian & New Zealand Accredited Radiology Registrars 
    • Winner of the RANZCR Part 1 Clinical Radiology CE Eddy prize will have their Mock Exam fee refunded! 
    • Access to Online Recorded Mock Exam Answers until their Part 1 Exams

Registration closed




Online Mock Exams

BOTH Anatomy &





  • BOTH 2025 Mock Exams: Anatomy and Physics (3 hour exam Anatomy on Saturday followed by review of the answers + 3 hour exam Physics on Sunday followed by review of the answers) 
  • Presented by radiologist / radiology registrar(s)
  • Certificate of Completion after each Exam
  • Only for Australian and New Zealand Accredited Radiology Registrars 
  • Winner of the RANZCR Part 1 Clinical Radiology CE Eddy prize will have their Mock Exam fee refunded! 
  • Access to Online Recorded Mock Exam Answers until their Part 1 exams


Registration closed



Online Mock Exams BOTH Anatomy & Physics

Prior IM members* 



  • *Only for Current or Previously registered Anatomy and/or Physics Course members
  • BOTH 2025 Mock Exams: Anatomy and Physics (3 hour exam Anatomy on Saturday followed by review of the answers + 3 hour exam Physics on Sunday followed by review of the answers) 
  • Presented by radiologist / radiology registrar(s)
  • Certificate of Completion after each Mock Exam 
  • Only for Australian & New Zealand Accredited Radiology Registrars 
  • Winner of the RANZCR Part 1 Clinical Radiology CE Eddy prize will have their Mock Exam fee refunded! 
  • Access to Online Recorded Mock Exam Questions and Answers until their Part 1 Exams

Registration closed

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