

Discuss the anatomy of the atlas (C1 cervical vertebra) including the associated joints and ligaments (30 marks)


  • Anterior arch
  • Paired lateral masses with their superior and inferior articular facets
  • Bilateral large transverse processes with transverse foramen for vertebral arteries
  • Posterior arch
  • (No body replaced by dens of C2)
  • Two parts of vertebral canal: anterior 1/3 = dens, posterior 2/3 spinal cord


Anterior arch

  • anterior tubercle: sits on the anterior aspect of the anterior arch and is the site of attachment of the anterior longitudinal ligament
  • posterior facet for the dens: sits on the posterior aspect of the anterior arch
  • upper border: attachment of the anterior atlanto-occipital membrane and lateral parts of the anterior longitudinal ligament
  • lower border: attachment of the anterior atlanto-axial membrane and lateral parts of the anterior longitudinal ligament

Posterior arch

  • 3/5th of circumference of the ring
  • posterior tubercle: sits posteriorly to the posterior arch, is a rudimentary spinous process and attachment site for the ligamentum nuchae
  • superior surface: contains paired grooves for the C1 nerve and vertebral artery, sits just posterior to the lateral mass
  • superior border: attachment for the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
  • inferior border: attachment for the ligamentum flava

Lateral masses

  • paired, ovoid
  • superior articular facet: kidney-shaped, concave and articulates with the occipital bone
  • inferior articular facet: circular, with a flat or slightly concave surface articulating with the lateral atlanto-axial joint
  • medial surface: marked by vascular foramina and a tubercle for the attachment of the transverse ligament

Transverse processes

  • longer than all of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae except C7
  • typically covered by costal lamella
  • transverse foramina: contains the vertebral arteries
  • anterior tubercle: sometimes present on the anterior aspect of the transverse process


  • Atlantooccipital joint: 50% cervical flexion/extension and limited lateral motion
  • Atlantoaxial joint: 50% cervical rotation


Atlantooccipital Joint (atlas & occipital)

  • Inferior articular facet of occipital condyle: Oval, convex surface, projects laterally
  • Superior articular facet of C1: Oval, concave anteroposteriorly, projects medially
    • kidney shaped concave facets to cup occipital condyles
    • allows nutation (anterior posterior flexion)
    • capsule is thin and loose

Median atlantoaxial joints = 2 joint cavities – anterior and posterior (atlas & dens of C2)

  • Pivot type joint between dens with ring formed by anterior arch with transverse ligament of C1
  • 2x Synovial cavities between transverse ligament/odontoid and atlas/odontoid articulations
    • Anterior median atlantoaxial joint – posterior surface of anterior arch concave, almost circular facet for dens
    • no capsule

Lateral atlantoaxial joints (atlas & axis (C1 to C2))

  • Inferior articular facet of C1: Concave, projects medially in coronal plane
  • Superior articular facet of C2: Convex surface, projects laterally
  • allows nutation (nodding)


*Tip: C1 superior and inferior articulations always concave + projects medially!


From anterior to posterior: anterior atlantooccipital membrane —> odontoid ligament (apical & alar ligament) —> Cruciate ligament (transverse + craniocaudal) —> Tectorial membrane —> Posterior Atlantooccipital membrane —> Ligamentum nuchae

  • Anterior atlantooccipital membrane
    • Connects anterior arch of C1 with anterior outer margin of foramen magnum.
    • Continues inferiorly (from median cord) as anterior longitudinal ligament
  • Odontoid ligaments
    • Apical ligament: Small fibrous band extending from dens tip to basion
    • Alar ligaments: Thick, horizontally directed ligaments extending from lateral surface of dens tip to anteromedial occipital condyles
  • Cruciate ligament
    • Transverse ligament: Strong horizontal component between lateral masses of C1, passes behind dens
    • Craniocaudal component: Fibrous band running from transverse ligament superiorly to foramen magnum and inferiorly to C2
  • Tectorial membrane:
    • Continuation of posterior longitudinal ligament; attaches to anterior rim of foramen magnum (posterior clivus)
  • Posterior atlantooccipital membrane
    • Posterior arch C1 to posterior margin of foramen magnum
    • Deficit laterally to allow C1 nerve passage and vertebral artery enters on superior surface of C1 (variant – if lateral opening calcifies “arcuate foramen”)
    • Innervated by C1
  • Ligamentum nuchae
    • Attaches to the posterior tubercle which is a rudimentary spinal process
    • Attaches to spinous process of cervical vertebrae and occiput
    • Limits forward lesion


  • Anterior:
    • Longus colli – superior oblique parts attaches to anterior surface of C1 body (anterior)
    • Rectus capitus anterior – attaches to anterior surface of the lateral mass of C1 (anterior)
  • Lateral:
    • Rectus capitus laterus – attached to transverse process of C1 superiorly – up to skull (lateral)
    • levator scapulae – tip of transverse process of C1 (lateral)
  • Posterior:
    • Rectus capitus posterior minor – attaches to posterior tubercle of C1 arch (Posterior)
    • splenius cervicis – transverse process of C1 (posterior)
    • Obliquus capitus superior – attached to transverse process of C1 (posterior)
    • Obliquus capitus inferior – attached to apex transverse process of C1 (posterior)


  • unfused arch of atlas : anterior, posterior, both
    • central part of the posterior arch can be absent and replaced by fibrous tissue
  • arcuate foramen: calcification of the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
  • superior articular facets of the lateral masses can be divided into two parts, with the anterior part being larger and the posterior smaller
  • fusion (with the occiput – partially or fully)
  • accessory ossicle of the anterior arch of the atlas

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