

Discuss the anatomy of the pharyngeal constrictors (10 marks)


  • Three overlapping constrictors arranged in posteriorly ascending fibers
  • All insert into midline pharyngeal raphe (attaches to pharyngeal tubercle)
  • Serial constriction of pharynx during swallow; elevate larynx & hyoid bone
  • Longitudinal muscles (palatopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus) not included


  • Superior free edge bordered by pharyngobasilar fascia / Passavant’s ridge
  • Described in parts based on origin
    • pterygopharyngeus (lower posterior border medial pterygoid plate)
    • buccopharyngeus (pterygopharyngeal raphe)
    • mylopharyngeus (mylohyoid line)
    • glossopharyngeus (lateral wall of tongue – at level of posterior border, last molar)


  • Origin from distal stylohyoid ligament + lesser & greater cornua of hyoid bone
  • Ascending and descending fibers (wide raphe)


  • Described in parts based on origin
    • Thyropharyngeus (oblique line, thyroid cartilage + superior margin cricoid)
    • Cricopharyngeus (lateral margins, cricoid cartilage)
      • pars oblique (superficial, upper, into raphe)
      • transverse orientation, tonically constricted
      • pars fundiformis (deep, lower, no raphe)
    • Killian’s dehiscence = between oblique & fundiform parts (at risk of Zenker’s)
      • Some say between thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus transverse fibres
      • ABOVE the cricopharyngeus
      • Gateway of teas = most common site of oesophageal perforation
    • Laimer’s triangle = between cricopharyngeus & esophagus (upper circular fibers)
      • BELOW the cricopharyngeus
    • Killian-Jamieson’s area = bilaterally on the sides


  • Superior constrictor + occiput =
    • pharyngobasilar fascia + pharyngotympanic tube (cartilaginous) + tensor veli palatini + ascending palatine a.
  • Superior + middle constrictor =
    • stylopharyngeus, glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual nerve
  • Middle + inferior constrictor
    • thyrohyoid membrane + superior laryngeal nerve + vessels
  • Inferior constrictor + esophagus
    • recurrent laryngeal nerve + inferior laryngeal vessels


  • Internal (medial) = palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus, styloglossus, stylohyoid ligament, salpingopharyngeus
  • Anterior = oropharynx, base of tongue, epiglottis, larynx
  • Posterior = prevertebral fascia & muscles, cervical vertebrae
  • Posterolateral = ICA, CN IX/X/XI, IJV, CN XII
  • Inferior = continuous into esophagus (with Laimer’s triangle)


  • ECA branches – ascending pharyngeal a., facial a. (via tonsillar), superior thyroid a., +/- contribution from inferior thyroid a. (thyrocervical trunk)


  • Pharyngeal plexus to pterygoid plexus & IJV


  • pharyngeal plexus
    • motor = pharyngeal branch of vagus, from nucleus ambiguus (cranial accessory via inferior vagal ganglion)
    • sensory = glossopharyngeal + vagus


  • Lymph – retropharyngeal (levels II-IV)


  • Alternative supply of cricopharyngeus by recurrent laryngeal nerve / external branch of superior laryngeal nerve
  • Passavant’s ridge/muscle = controversial description as superior constrictor or palatopharyngeus fibers or connective tissue sling

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