Describe the anatomy of the corpus callosum (30 marks)


  • Largest white myelinated tract allowing electrical communication between two brain hemispheres
  • Approximately 10cm anterior to posterior
  • Inverted U shape


  1. Rostrum
  2. Genu (frontal forceps)
  3. Body + tapetum
  4. Splenium (occipital forceps)


  • anteroinferior tip of genu
  • connects frontal lobes – orbital parts (i.e. inferior)

Genu & frontal forceps (minor)

  • most anterior section
  • curved (knee-like)
  • fibres curve forward as forceps minor
  • connects lateral / medial frontal lobes


  • Central section
  • fibres pass laterally to intersect with projection fibres of corona radiata to connect wider areas of hemispheres
  • located superior to thalamus, lateral ventricles and septum pellucidum
  • indusium griseum = thin grey matter which covers superior surface of corpus callosum and continuous laterally with grey matter of cingulate cortex
  • + Tapetum
    • formed by body + some splenium fibres
    • forms the roof of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle

Splenium & occipital forceps (major)

  • Posterior tail
  • superior to quadrigeminal cistern
  • fibres curve into occipital lobes as forceps major



  • Midline/body of corpus callosum: CC fibres left to right
  • Laterally: fibres fan out and intermingle with projection and association tracts


  • Pericallosal arteries (immediately superior) + callosomarginal artery from ACA
  • Subcallosal artery 50% (from ACA)
  • Medial callosal artery30%


  • callosal vein / posterior vein of corpus callosum -> great cerebral vein / Galen -> straight sinus
  • septal veins of internal cerebral vein -> great cerebral vein of Galen


  • Anterior: frontal lobe
  • Posterior: falx, straight sinus, inferior sagittal sinus, occipital lobes
  • Lateral: corona radiata, cortex superficial surface
  • Superior:
    • indusium griseum = grey matter directly above corpus callosum
    • cingulum = cingulate gyrus,
    • superior longitudinal fasciculus
    • short arcuate fibres
    • longitudinal cerebral fissure and falx
    • corona radiata
  • Inferior:
    • septum pellucidum,
    • fornix,
    • 3rd ventricle, lateral ventricle
    • thalamus
    • pituitary gland,
    • anterior commissure,
    • basal ganglia (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus)


  • Dysgenesis of corpus callosum
  • Absent splenium

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