

Discuss the anatomy of the Middle Cerebral Artery and variants (30 marks)

  • Larger, lateral terminal branch of supraclinoid ICA


  1. Horizontal (M1) segment (ICA bifurcation —> MCA bifurcation and termination at Sylvian fissure)
  • Origin: terminal ICA bifurcation
  • Lies lateral to optic chiasm, behind olfactory trigone
  • Courses laterally under anterior perforated substance
  • Usually bi- or trifurcates just before Sylvian fissure
  • Termination: Post bifurcation trunks enter Sylvian fissure then turn upwards in a gentle curve (MCA “genu”)
  • **Has 2 branches**
  • 5-15x Perforating branches (medial and lateral lenticulostriate arteries)
    • medial lenticulostriate supply = internal capsule, caudate nucleus, medial basal ganglia
    • lateral lenticulostriate supply = lentiform nucleus, caudate, claustrum, external capsule
  • anterior temporal artery
    • supply anterior temporal lobe


2. Insular (M2) segments (Terminates: apex of Sylvian fissure)

  • Runs deep in Sylvian fissure and along insular – superior and inferior divisions
  • 6-8x “stem” arteries arise from post bifurcation trunks, course superiorly within Sylvian fissure, ramify over the surface of insula
  • Termination: top of Sylvian fissure = “top loops of M2 segment delineate apex of Sylvian fissure” = “angular artery with Sylvian point”
  • No branches


3. Opercula (M3) segments (Terminates: exit Sylvian fissure)

  • Origin: top of sylvian fissure, course inferolateral through sylvian fissure
  • Termination: Exit sylvian fissure at surface of brain
  • No branches


4. Cortical (M4) segments

  • Exit Sylvian fissure and ramify over lateral surface of hemisphere
  • **Has 11 branches**


Cortical branches (M4 segments) (from inferior to superior to posterior)

  • Orbitofrontal (lateral frontobasal) artery
  • Prefrontal arteries


  • Precentral (prerolandic) artery – Runs between precentral and central sulci
  • Central sulcus (rolandic) artery – Runs within central (rolandic) sulcus
  • Postcentral sulcus (anterior parietal) artery – Runs in postcentral, then intraparietal sulcus


  • Posterior parietal artery
    • Exits posterior end of sylvian fissure
    • Runs posterosuperiorly along supramarginal gyrus


  • Angular artery (most posterior)
    • Most posterior branch exiting sylvian fissure
    • Runs posterosuperiorly over transverse temporal gyrus
  • Temporooccipital artery
    • Runs posteroinferiorly in superior temporal sulcus
  • Posterior temporal artery –
    • Extend inferiorly from sylvian fissure
    • Cross superior, middle temporal gyri
  • Middle temporal artery
  • Anterior temporal artery



Cortical branches

  • Considerable variation in the territory of individual branches
  • Most common pattern
    • Supply most of lateral surface of cerebral hemispheres except for superior convexity (ACA) and inferior temporal gyrus
    • Anterior tip of temporal lobe (variable)

Penetrating branches

  • Medial lenticulostriate arteries (a few arise from proximal MCA)
    • Medial basal ganglia, caudate nucleus
    • Internal capsule
  • Lateral lenticulostriate arteries
    • Lateral putamen, caudate nucleus
    • External capsule


  • High variability in branching patterns
  • “Early” MCA bi- or trifurcation (within 1 cm of origin)
  • Anterior choroidal coming from M1
  • True anomalies (hypoplasia, aplasia) rare
  • MCA duplication seen in 1-3% of cases (comes off ICA)
    • Large branch arises from distal ICA just prior to terminal bifurcation
    • Parallels main M1
  • Accessory MCA (comes off ACA)
    • Arises from anterior cerebral artery A1 proximal or distal
    • High association with saccular aneurysm
  • Fenestrated MCA

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